Visualization Design

Pyramid offers a large range of formatting options, enabling users to customize the design of each visualization to achieve the required look and feel. This provides an opportunity for report-creators to guide consumers to the most important information, by optimizing the visualization to guide readers to important information.

At this stage, there are some important questions to consider:

  • For what purposes will the visualization be used? For instance, will it be used to build a presentation or publication? Will it be used to create dynamic visualizations, or custom business logic?
  • Who is the audience for the visualization? Which type of users will have access to the visualization? Will it be distributed to Pyramid users only, or will non-Pyramid users have access to it via publications? Will the consumers be BI experts who want to delve into the details, or will they be business-users who will want to glean important insights at a glance?

Consider who will see the visualization and what information they want to know; the answers to these questions will guide you in your formatting and design decisions.

Formatting and Design Options

There are several formatting and design capabilities that can be applied to all or most visualizations, and there are others that a specific to only certain visualizations.

  • Formatting Panel: The formatting panel is a context sensitive panel from which you can set formatting preferences for your visualization. This includes the visualization colors, plotting area, slicers, legends, axes, titles, and more.
  • Common Design Capabilities:This is a collection of design capabilities and functions that are found in most (if not all) visualizations. It includes things like background and border settings and color; opacity; legend ans series settings; titles; play axis / motion; and trellising.
  • Design Tools from the Ribbons: there are several additional formatting and design tools available from the ribbons.